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Scanning Multiple Accounts at once

If your IAM user or IAM role has sts:AssumeRole permissions to a common IAM role across multiple AWS accounts, you can use the scan-multi-account command.

This diagram depicts how the process works:

Diagram for scanning multiple AWS accounts with Cloudsplaining

  • First, you'll need to create the multi-account config file. Run the following command:
cloudsplaining create-multi-account-config-file \ 
    -o multi-account-config.yml
  • This will generate a file called multi-account-config.yml with the following contents:
  default_account: 123456789012
  prod: 123456789013
  test: 123456789014


Observe how the format of the file above includes account_name: accountID. Edit the file contents to match your desired account name and account ID. Include as many account IDs as you like.

For the next step, let's say that:

  • We have a role in the target accounts that is called CommonSecurityRole.
  • The credentials for your IAM user are under the AWS Credentials profile called scanning-user.
  • That user has sts:AssumeRole permissions to assume the CommonSecurityRole in all your target accounts specified in the YAML file we created previously.
  • You want to save the output to an S3 bucket called my-results-bucket

Using the data above, you can run the following command:

cloudsplaining scan-multi-account \
    -c multi-account-config.yml \
    --profile scanning-user \
    --role-name CommonSecurityRole \ 
    --output-bucket my-results-bucket


Note that if you run the above without the --profile flag, it will execute in the standard AWS Credentials order of precedence (i.e., Environment variables, credentials profiles, ECS container credentials, then finally EC2 Instance Profile credentials).